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We as a nation of free people is given that false sense of security by a Corporate Shadow Government that has gone stark raving mad as if it is a wolf cubs mother that is out to eat and devour her young the very one she birthed and has nurtured for many months. Our Government is ran by a handful of skillful men and women from socialistic autocracies that has socialistic governments that don't work unless you are a bougeha of the ruling class.

Our country is over ran by Royals from Scandinavian and European Dynasties claiming American citizenship by creating credentials of Ivy League Education transcripts in attending law school, while being protected by the American Bar Association and the local State Bars are unaware of the corruption, until a major scandal is about to set these institutions craping in their ivy league panties. We are speaking of the Sandy Hook Domestic Terrorist HOAX and currently the nail in the coffin of public opinion for an unconstitutional gun grab.


This criminal enterprise has made the fatal mistake of the century, along with pulling off the crime of the century, Sandy Hook Mass Shooting Massacre HOAX. This HOAX has been completely solved and Inspector Anonymous Film is in production exposing exactly what happen, who was involved and where the plan was hatched and originally designed and why it has such an impact against our society as a whole. The Seven DVD Series will be released on the 4th year anniversary of the Crime and HOAX of the Century. It will be distributed by 21st Century Pictures to be distributed to a select few of theaters, before it makes its debut in Scandinavia, Australia and Europe.

Let Us, the Citizen Intelligence Agency and the Pro Se' Justice Center give you a peek in what is instore for those that participated in the HOAX. You could say, it's a legal shot across the bow of this corrupt government's facade of judicial fairness. A new investigative body has been established by using old fashion Forensics and Biometrics to expose the criminal HOAXERS. Pro Se Esquires like J.R. Oglesby will take the legal fight to the HOAXERS doorsteps and their courthouses will demand a Grand Jury in their corrupt courthouses. Oglesby said, "It is like legally shooting fish in a barrel with a shot gun of public opinion."

The lawsuits that are currently in play are being prepared for the Bridgeport Connecticut courtroom of the Honorable Barbara N. Bellis. She is a fraudster and has committed a travesty of justice in Fraud, Treason, Espionage and Sedition in both active and pending cases for trial in April 2018, those cases are SOTO et al V. BUSHMASTERS FIREARMS INTERNATIONAL, LLC and D'AVINO, MARY, ADM OF THE ESTATE OF RACHEL MARIE D Et Al v. STARKS, SAMUEL J., ADM OF THE ESTATE OF NANCY LANZA.


This sitting judge is an active participant at Sandy Hook portraying parents of Benjirmin Wheeler, Dylan Hockley, Grace McDonnell and Emilie Parker, her husband Stephen Bellis Esquire A.K.A. Ian Hockley A.K.A. Robbie Parker A.K.A. Prince Fredrick of Denmark.


Judge Bellis A.K.A. Princess Mary Donaldson, A.K.A. A Disbarred Supreme Court Justice, a Judge from Michigan, Diane Hathaway. Bellis has used her children’s persona with pictures, by using pseudo-names of children victims allegedly murdered by the imaginary Adam Lanza and impersonating imaginary characters Alyssa Parker, Francine Wheeler and Nicole Hockley. In her spare time, she is a spiritualist by the name of Tina Swan. The Citizen Intelligence Agency also has the Prince and Princess holding multiple judiciary and government positions. This is a criminal enterprise that must be shut down, but we need your Donations: to make it happen. "Grand Jury Coming."


If you don't donate this gives them a passport to rob the coffuires of the U.S. Treasury with multiple paychecks for government positions that they hold in pseudo-name only, liking to Secretary Of The Department Of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson A.K.A. John P. Koch married to Dorothy Bush A.K.A. Marie Hellqvist of Sweden A.K.A. Janet Yellen, Chairman Of The Federal Reserve married to Erik Hellqvist A.K.A. Alejandro N. Mayorkas, Deputy Secretary Of Homeland Security A.K.A. West Virginia Governor Earl Ray Tomblin, A.K.A. at Sandy Hook, Nick Phelps, A.K.A. Newtown Chief Michael Kehoe and many more while hiding in safe haven names like Bush, Kennedy, Rockefeller, Malloy, Stein, Halbig, Greenberg, Strong, Obama, while positioning themselves in Directorships of Government Departments, while misappropriating their department's budgets through entitlement programs liking to the DHS FEMA HOAX DRILLS that has pitfalls of embezzlement through a straw man, liking to the Banks Of Wall Street Bailouts, which netted graft payola and big payoffs for that vote in the Senate, i.e. Senior Kentucky Senator Majority Whip Mitch McConnell A.K.A. Georgia Senator  John Hardy "Johnny" Isakson which is the mouth of the do nothing funnel of graft and corruption through lobbyist and no votes or worst a filibuster by a do nothing Republican Congress and Senate. It's all rigged folks, but we can change it, I need your Donations for expenses in filing fees, transcriptions, court reporters, travel expenses etc. etc. Donate NOW!!!!!, GO FUND ME, time is running out.

Our organization is made up of dedicated men and women that are trained in the fields of expertise of Forensics, investigations, litigation and appellate law to take this fight to these criminals as identified as foreign nationals, Khazarian Mafia, Illumi Corp, and activist gangster thugs liking to President Barack Obama A.K.A. Barry Wright, an American born citizen from Chicago. His father is Reverend Jeremiah Wright, his cousin is Ben Carson and his lover (wife) is his brother Thomas J. Wright A.K.A. Michelle Obama A.K.A. Senator Tim Scott A.K.A. Attorney General Loretta Lynch A.K.A. Assistant Justice Clarence Thomas and many more personas too numerous to list. This is only an example of the ability that our organizational and investigation expertise in Forensics, Biometrics, Psychology and Anthropological skills have gleaned evidence too numerous to mention, except to say that we have solved every HOAX from the assassination of JFK to the Brussels Bombing HOAX. This is over 3 years of intense boots on the ground in investigations, financed by an Australian Billionaire. However, that train has left the station, that gravy train has went south, therefore we are now reaching out to you as the client (Victims of Fraud) that needs our services that love or money could not buy in a corrupt society. Donte to A Most Worthy Cause: GO FUND ME!!!!!!!!


We are making a difference one day at a time by using their playbook of corruption, where the appearance of lawful means of government and litigation are stealing the American middle class blind, while on the other hand using entitlement programs to open the spigot in corruption, embezzlement and graft through their votes in congress and the senate, state and federal venues. Almost, every state is corrupted from the Governor to the Attorney General's Office, if there was a national emergency liking to Martial Law declared by the Corporate Government of D.C., there will not be anyone to activate the National Guard, you see folks we are in a strangled hold, unless you donate as a cheerful giver that wants to make our country great again. Surely, it will not happen through another politician that beats his drum at your pace of dissatisfaction, but what happens after he is elected? Donate NOW!!!!! to Our GO FUND ME Site

You have us on the frontlines taking the Legal fight to them by legally demanding a real federal Grand Jury to investigate corruption and RICO in a country that has had 60 years infected with this criminal enterprise ran by Herbert Walker Bush and his sons.

Our Congress and Senate is running by another handful of men and women that are handling trillions of fiat currency in numbers only that their real names are not attached to their vote. This in fact holds harmless their culpability and responsibility in representing the people in addressing day to day issues of prospectively running the affairs of the government as in society as a whole. They too are multiple person of name only collecting multiple salaries that amount into the millions of dollars a year in income, paying no taxes, because of the loopholes for the 1% of billionaires.


Politicians are allowed to run under a pseudo-name as long as one or more persons can swear under oath that this is their name that the person is known by in society. Donate NOW!!!!!!!!!!



This is it folks, no more begging you for money, but telling you that if you don't DONATE to the most worthy cause of GO FUND ME SITE, you will regret taking this donation appeal light as if another scammer trying to get something for nothing, then let me ask you, how can you look your children in the face knowing that they have no future, because you refused to sacrifice that new cellphone, computer, television, new booster drink, a $10.00 meal that is only worth $5.00 or just that 20oz coke that you paid a whopping $1.59 to $2.00 to have that brief moment of refreshing your miserable life, knowing that any day the bubble of possibility will burst, when a knock at the door or a digital communication streaks across that television set that Martial Law has been declared by the President and the elections are postponed until further notice. Now, who is going to make your country great again, we could have, if only you had heeded our warning and call for donations for the necessities to take the fight to illumi Corp (Corporate Washington D.C. Government ran by the Khazarian Mafia (Rothschild and Bush).



Government Corruption!








We are just one key stroke away to answer any questions that you may have about our organizations and our purpose as a citizen governing body that investigates, civilly and criminally litigates and prosecutes thru the courts after a Grand Jury Indictment and arrest against those in government and the judiciary that violates their laws and Oaths of Office, last but not least is our talent in media journalism that reports realist news reporting without a slant of lies upon lies. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT!!!!!!!

HELP US, DONATE: GO FUND ME to make our country great again.



What If An Angel Of Light Came Up To You And Offered A Paradise Without Any Obligation To Receive Such A Blessing. However, Once You Entered The Paridise That Was Built Just For Your Minds Eye Of Reality, But It Is Not Real, It's An Illusion. This Is What Our Presidential Election Is An Illusion, Until The Winner Is Declared Then We Will Know That Our Fate Is Sealed, Maybe For The Last Time. You Want Change Then DONATE, We Promise You Nothing, But Efort, Which Is Put Forth To Legally Force Change Through Democracy (MOB RULE).



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