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​How to help

You can help such a worthy cause in many ways by Donation, Sharing Our Cause On Social Network, Supplying Any Items On Our Wish List, And Most Of All Supporting Us With Anything Of Value That Can Be Turned In To Ready Cash To Be Used In Our Fight Of Corruption In Our Government. This Is a Call To ARMS That Are A Peacful And Legal Means To Protest Corruption.

Wish List

We need faster computers with atleast 2 T hardrive, speed at least 3.0 Gz or better, 16 GB resident memory, monitors 32" or better, Facial Recognition Software, WIFI, Camera Equipment, Video Production Equipment, Laser Printers, Drones and webdesigners that have experience in animation.


Petition Campaign

You can make a stand and tell the authorities through signing our petitions saying, enough is enough in Mass Shooting HOAXES and Domestic Terrorism that is manufactured by the Corporate Government of Washington D.C. under the direction of the Secretary of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson and the Director of the FBI, James Comey A.K.A. King Filipe of Spain, he and others that are Treasonous bastards and espionage agents have created a facade of terrorism to terrorize the American people to give up their inalienable rights for safety from CIA manufactured terrorist organization called ISIS formally AL-QAEDA.


Join Us
We need specialized men and women that can skip trace, follow intructions, has special ability to read peoples actions and motives, good communication skills, web designers, journalist, retired private investigators, forensic experts in the field of psychology, anthropology, biometrics and criminalology. Even if you you as an esquire that was disbarred, we can use your expertise as a jurisprudence expert in trial and litigation skills. We have a place for you to help us rid the corruption in state and federal government and our judiciary, especially our Supreme Courts state and federal venues. We need state coordinators to launch a fight against government corruption in your home state.

​Latest project


Our latest project is that in the state of Georgia, we have a unique law in which the Pro Se Justice Center is going to tap into, it's found in the criminal statutes under O.C.G.A. 17-4-40 et seq.


In most states a law enforment agency must orginate the complaint for criminal action against anyone that commits a crime against a person or the state of Georgia. However, a citizen can request a warrant against anyone that violates laws of Georgia, including the Treason Statute, O.C.G.A. 16-11-1 et seq.



This is a test to see if this could be a way to bring media attention to a rampent factor in our electorial process. Our Governor, Nathan Deal and Sandra Deal are not whom they perport to be, a matter in facts they are Reigning Royals from Denmark, King Henrik & Queen Margarethe. that physically participated in the Sandy Hook Domestic Terrorism HOAX.


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