​It’s not a matter if we donate to such a worthy cause, but do we by conscience turn our back on our children's future. We as a syndicated organization could be your last frontline of defense against a tyrannical government that is hell bent in taking away our constitutional rights to freedom of speech, press and a right to due process along with our Bill of Rights. It is not if we should not bear arms against a corrupt government, but when, however, as long as we have a voice in the courts we have an opportunity to make a difference through litigating in the court system, but it takes allot of money. We as the Pro Se’ Justice Center is furnishing our knowledge and labor at no charge, but we must have funds for the expenses in litigating and appearing at different venues to have a voice in the matter.
​If you have donated, let me be so humble and thank you for hearing the spirit of the LORD, the one thing throughout this website, religion has not entered the picture, but, I would be lying to you, if I did not share this TRUTH. I am a Man of GOD (Prophet), GOD the father has given me permission to bestow blessings upon your life with full protection of the Holy Spirit, along with this blessing. "Everything that you touch will be blessed and everyone that touches you will be blessed also as long as they bless you first with their increase of their substance. Whatever, you ask of the LORD, it will be added to you and that all your prayers will be answered, however, the prayers must be said in secret, yes in your secret place, not out loud. Your secret place is in your mind. The devil can only steal and destroy from you, if he hears your prayers. In secret, he and his demons cannot read minds. Be BLESSED, My Friend.
P.S. Your DONATION will help us make our country great again, "Grand Jury Coming."