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In 2013, right after the Super Bowl, Inspector Anonymous was hired by an Australian Billionaire to determine what actually happened on December 14, 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary School and why the citizens in the town of Newtown Connecticut, were holding to a farfetched story of having a school on their active role of schools, a school with attending children on their list of active schools that was riddled with EPA and federal health violations in asbestos, black mole and other infectious viruses and bacteria and a school with hazardous, handicap violations, which I might add was a dead giveaway that this school was not active in receiving students, especially, K-4th grade. This school was in in disrepair condition that boggles the mind went crime scene photos taken by the State Police was obvious that they were hiding something of interest to seasoned investigators like Inspector Anonymous. On this day also a Fema Drill was in place and active at a volunteer firehouse that was only a mile from the school, allot remained unanswered by the major media account of the tragic incident and the mystery that no film, cellphone or media footage of the evacuation of 400 plus children on this tragic day of infamy was available for public scrutiny. There were many more questions and anomalies that needed answers to simple questions. The governments involvement was obvious, OBAMA'S Attorney General, Eric Holder was not talking, but barking GUN CONTROL, as OBAMA with his crocodile tears was another dead giveaway, this was a full blown DHS HOAX! Why?


The current administration of the United States government and the State of Connecticut had their fingerprints all over this crime and questiond need to be addressed in the following:

 Why was the FBI, DHS, ATF and other alphabet police forces were involved in a local incident? Why was the CONNECTICUT STATE POLICE, Johnny on the spot, after conducting a similar school incident drill at another local high school? Why was there fireman with their equipment as far as Detroit Michigan that was identified as participants in the drill? Why was NYPD police vehicles present at a local Connecticut shooting? This one anomaly, tops the list of unanswered questions, why did satellite photographic imagery show that the Madison, Sandy Hook, Newtown and the Connecticut coastline was salted with Chem Clouds (Man Made Cloaking To Deter Satellite Imagery From Other Countries In Seeing What Is Takin Place At Ground Level.)? Why was Adam Lanza, the shooter's Death reflected December 13, 2012 as his documented demise in another city, hundreds of miles away? Why would a premature Social Site memorial for the heroin teacher credited in saving many lives for hers, reflect a premature memorial on Facebook for Victoria Soto uploaded on December 10, 2012? Why would a United Way website reflect uploaded before the incident took place?


What really peaked Inspector Anonymous' curiosity was the way the Medical Examiner, H. Wayne Carver II conducted a press conference and the procedures that were used that deviated from homicide protocol of the Medical Examiner’s Office that investigates homicides. Especially, where a mass shooting of twenty children and eight adults were brutally slain including the allege shooter were not pronounced dead by medical personnel i.e. EMS and/or Medical Doctors. Ambulances was diverted to the firehouse and were held there and were not allowed near the school?


What prompted the hiring of Inspector Anonymous was that the Billionaire has young adult children that lives in the area and attends the United States prestigious schools of higher learning, He also has major investments in real estate, gun stocks, and precious metals that were being threatened by such a tragedy that involved the miss use of automatic weapons, this was another concern because a similar incident happened in Australia, where the government forced a gun grab from all citizens in Australia, Dunblane Scotland was another place that reeled with similarity and reeked with mystery, as if a game of CLUE was playing out in another date of murderous infamy. Last but not least some of the victims were claimed seen at the Super Bowl halftime show as a Sandy Hook chior from the school of rock organization.


What made Inspector Anonymous a likely candidate as the one person that the Anonymous Billionaire chose for such a daunting task, it was fate and a repetition that inspector Anonymous carries as one of the most experience private investigators in the country. Even though, he was retired as an independent filmmaker and author as well, it seems that Inspector Anonymous could further his reputation by possibly a book or film deal in being the one that solved the crime of the 21st Century or HOAX.


Whichever the possibilities maybe they were progressively leaning toward the HOAX theory, the tabulation of a full blown HOAX was adding up quickly, it may have been that too many variables in good old fashion investigation techniques and protocols were not followed in similar incidents.



Whichever the possibilities maybe they were progressively leaning toward the HOAX theory, the tabulation of a full blown HOAX was adding up quickly, it may have been that too many variables in good old fashion investigation techniques and protocols were not followed in similar incidents.


On second thought another factor peeked Inspector Anonymous' curiosity is why similar mass shootings around the country had the similar card of Who Did It as a card in the popular game of CLUE that was playing out in the media, FEMA DRILLS were being conducted in the area. There were clues that was pointing out that these were staged events, but cleverly plotted to get the most bang for the buck, you could say in business, a public relations campaign in legislative laws, movie promotions and more sinister, government intervention in local affairs of the Federal Alphabet policing forces involvement, ATF, FBI, DOJ, DEA, even the military was hidden in plain sight as such with strange, but correlating anomalies from the Tuscan Gabby Gifford Shooting, Aurea Colorado Bat Man Return theatrical release and now Sandy Hook Massacre. Something was rotten in Denmark, never thinking that the cliché' just spoken about was truer than fiction, in which leads us to why we are all here at this moment in time, ASKING FOR YOUR DONATIONS to prosecute those responsible for such a HOAX that has had many blowbacks and repercussions against the American people, in a wholesale government gun grab, erosion of the Bill of Rights along with the Second Amendment of our constitution.


An intense campaign has been launched in 2015 & 2016 by the Obama administration’s departments have been thrown into the mix as shills, trolls and disinformation agents that has the CIA SAD operation written all over these HOAXES, domestic and abroad. Manufactured homegrown government domestic terrorism linking to Bill Clinton’s administration under the ATF and Janet Reno’s playbook is repeating itself with Obama Domestic Terrorism created HOAXES by the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson A.K.A. John P. Koch A.K.A. Erik Hellqvist of Sweden A.K.A. Nick Phelps and Chief of Police of New town, Connecticut Michael Kehoe, he was a physical and active participant during and after the Sandy Hook Massacre HOAX, similar incidents played out in UCC, Oregon, San Bernardino, California and Brussels, Belgium. Our investigations has disclosed a pattern in their HOAX playbook to another major 911 HOAX that will playout on American Soil, before the 2016 elections that will cripple the Second Amendment if they are not stoped, this is why you must do two things to stop DONATE TO OUR CAUSE and SIGN OUR PETITIONS!


Obama and Jeh Johnson must be exposed and stopped before more inalienable Due Process rights are wholesaled to the highest bidder in state and federal corruption through local Police and Sheriff, Governor, Lt. Governor and attorney Generals offices and now the tentacles of Domestic Terrorism has jumped across the puddle and beyond the European threat to the Scandinavian countries, when a lot of the United States citizens troubles lie at the doorstep of Denmark and Sweden’s palaces, where their Monarchs and Kings are directly involved in these manufactured domestic terrorism HOAXES conducted in the United States and overseas.


In a consortium of professionals, we as a syndicated group has formed a citizen's legal militia, the Citizen Intelligence Agency, the Pro Se' Justice Center and the Nations Watchman using specialized professional Brains and not Braun and weaponry, but strategy and critical thinking and operating in the realm of the court system, not to incite sedition against the Corporate Obama's federal government, but to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, written in 1812, not this watered down version, in which is a catch all for the abuse of our Bill of Rights.


J.R. Oglesby, Scott Wilson,  Inspector Anonymous and their teams of investigators, journalist and litigators brings an odd coupling to an organization that is young but viable in its resources of good old fashion police work, forensics, biometric identification, news reporting, and legal tenacity as Pro Se Esquires to tackle the federal and state government, head-on in prosecuting corrupted government officials, these are elected officials holding more than one government position, while serving in another position, whether in their state or other states, judicial appointees, Supreme Court Justices, whether federal or state venues, lawyers, bar associations, Governors, Lt. Governors and Attorney Generals, using their laws and playbook against them. This is why you must make this a priority in your giving to a worthy cause to stop the corrupted government from taking away our Substantive and Procedural Due process rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. DONATE TO MAKE OUR COUNTRY GREAT AGAIN!

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