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​A petition is when you take a stand or posture for change. Our petitions are a demand that change is not an option, change breeds more corruption. Our petions want recompense, which will bring change by prosecuting those responsible in corrupting our way of life through LUST, POWER and GREED.



Our petitions want recompense, which will bring change by ​Pro Se' Justice Center is taking the legal fight to what it is all about, you guessed it, the bottom line, MONEY. We are preparing legal actions to get a voice into calling for a grand jury by litigation of intervention as a third party, counter claimer, our loss claimed is our inalienable rights given to us by the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Prosecuting those responsible in corrupting our way of life through LUST, POWER and GREED.



Inspector Anonymous Film is a film making company that is spreading the word through multiple DVD series exposing the United States take over by Foreign National Royals that are hiding in famous safe haven names while running a shadow government in our Congress, Senate, And Federal courts, Including The Supreme Courts, whether state or federal venues. A monthly Moments of Truth News Reel is sold at a ridicules annual price of $29.95 for the inside information in DVD or Blue Ray or Download.

VETTING: Government Officials


Citizen Intelligence Agency under the direction of Inspector Anonymous and Deputy Director Scott Wilson are Forensically, Biometrically, Systematically, and with proprietary facial recognition, aging and other software are ferreting out these members of government that are holding multiple positions in state and federal government.



​Once a person of Interest is discovered, a team of investigator reporters covertly go out physically and tie up the loose ends, where the POI's can be cleared or put on our list for Indictment, then the Pro Se' Justice Centers take over in instituting public interest for a Grand Jury investigation and prosecution.



The only way that we as a nation can take back our country from this shadow government gangster foreign national Royals is to punish the lawbreaker for Treason, Espionage, Sedition and naturally RICO. The only way that can be accomplished is to force legally the judiciary to convene a Grand Jury Investigation. The media are helpless in stopping the judiciaries process that insured under our constitution due process. There is cost involved, no the labor, but the expenses of filing fees, transcripts, court reporters, travel and per diem expenses etc. etc.

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