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Secretary of Transportation

Elaine CHOA Mc Connell AKA


  Founded: April 13, 2013                 Fellowship & Certification                   Director: J.R. Oglesby        

Left Profile:

Right Profile:


Right Palm:

Left Palm:

Blood Pressure Veins




If you are reading this, you are at least a law enforcement officer, the Attorney General or the 45th President of the United States. President TRUMP is correct that the judiciary is corrupt , This corruption is felt in injustice all the way to the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS), including the Scalia appointment, NEIL GORSUCH AKA  Senator XXXXXXXXX AKA Son of Retired Satanist, Lt. Col Michael Aquino AKA Mitch Mc Connell AKA Retired Senator Richard Lugar, AKA Retired Duncan Hunter and other identities to be revealed in later studies.


Since George W. Bush's 9/11, manufactured terrorism and the establishment in a mirrored Nazi government force called the "Department of Homeland Security," has reshaped our stability as a Republic that stands for procedural and substantive due process and equal protection under the rule of law. These and other studies in "Draining the Swamp" is for other future investigation studies to be revealed once this case that is currently front and center in multiple high crimes and misdemeanors is brought to a "Grand Jury."


SCOTUS justices have legislated law from the bench by legislating laws that reshape a GOD inspired Republic, where marriage is sacrosanct between a man and women, homosexuality is an anathema to in "GOD We Trust," and other legislature that should have been legislated from congress, not SCOTUS.


Here is a brief example of SCOTUS corruption. Lets look at our Chief Justice Roberts in the following forensics and information that became front and center during TRUMPS general election:

During TRUMPS election, Chief Justice Roberts became a person of interest by our institute in a multifaceted investigation into DNC Trickster Robert Creamer, employed by the DNC, where project Varitas uncovered Creamer as a provocateur in politics to discredit and destroy our 45th President's bid in his election to the presidency of the United States.

This is Robert Creamer:


Having two persons of interest started the following investigation, after these videos appeared on the institutes radar. These video implicated Robert Creamer and the White House under Obama in a conspiracy to destroy the candidacy of Donald J. Trump for President of the United States:

The institute knowing fundamentally that the Democratic Party is nothing more than a front for open Communism, socialistic determined anarchist and insurrection against the current President, his family and administration, I’m shocked at the level of devious criminality embedded in the DNC and its Hillary Clinton satellite groups.

But thanks to the first installment of James O’Keefe’s investigation into the corruption and violence surrounding this Presidential Race, we are given the opportunity to take a bow and declare we were totally right on all fronts previously regarded as “evil and false conspiracy theories.”

His exposure of tactics ranging from staged “assaults” at Trump rallies, to illegal coordination between the Clinton campaign and various Marxist agitation groups, to the hiring of homeless drug addicts for protest projects shows that we are facing an enemy that knows no bounds and no restraint.

One should also note their use of the “bird-dogging” tactic, which is derived from the works of Saul Alinsky, and involves the infiltration of operatives into pro-Trump rallies and gatherings with the specific intent to cause harm and chaos in in reality by discovering our Chief Justice as a provocateur of treason and sedition against the Republic.

This reached a climax during the Chicago riots of earlier this year, which featured Negroes attacking and beating White Trump supporters, and the loss of millions of dollars of property due to burning and vandalism.

These beasts would destroy us all, Nationalist or not, if given the chance, and we must fight with all that we have if we are to survive into the future.

Project Veritas Volume I

Project Veritas Volume II







Project Veritas Volume III
















Project Veritas Volume IV















Project Veritas Verified Voter Fraud Proof
















Project Veritas Iwoa Election Voter Fraud:
















Project Veritas Turns Evidence Over To Nevada Secretary Of State, to date no action taken:
















Clinton Involvement:
















If interested, you can contact James Edward O'Keefe III, at, "He is an American conservative political activist. He produces secretly recorded undercover audio and video encounters, some of which he then edits in order to misrepresent persons as having said things they did not say, with figures and workers in academic, governmental and social service organizations, purporting to show abusive or allegedly illegal behavior by employees and/or representatives of those organizations. He gained national attention for his video recordings of workers at ACORN offices in 2009, his arrest and guilty plea in 2010 for entering the federal office of then-U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu under false pretenses, and the release of videos of conversations with two high-ranking, now former, NPR executives in 2011..." Wikipedia


The reason the institute has cited Wikipedia's description of James Edward O'Keefe III, because Wikipedia is part of the corruption used to either build an identity for unregistered foreign nationals or to bring a cover for those politicians that run campaigns under assumed identities created by a simple process that is considered deadly to a fair election process for an American Candidate running for government office or judicial elections.


Our state and federal governments have been infiltrated by foreign nationals hiding in plain sight, people that have lawfully infiltrated our halls of justice in law enforcement, judiciary, and government by a three fold system of quasi-legal acts embracing a law, in which the institute labels the Pseudo Name Ballot Nomination.

It is first a simple election process, in which is completely out of control that assist foreign nationals to hide as unregistered foreign agents, children born to these espionage agents that have had more children in our country, legalized by running for government office without having the credentials to hold that office of government or judiciary. Secondly, supported by ivy league school credentials along with American Bar Association membership, claiming to be a lawyer supported by a biography concocted by Wikipedia, a foreign owned by a Scandinavian organization controlled by a shadow government of unregistered foreign agents, unqualified justices and those that holds multiple positions on the bench along with politicians in our state and federal congress and senate holding multiple positions representing multiple states as congressman and senators.


Our state, federal and judicial governments are also ran under a shadow government dictatorial control in power called Illumi Corp:

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is corrupt to the core in it's direction currently as a secret spy society and a manufacturer of domestic terrorism, our director, James Comey, See Wikipedia Bio , he is an unregistered foreign agent from the country of the Netherlands, claimed deceased Prince Johan Friso of the Netherlands, excerpt from Wikipedia Bio, "On 17 February 2012, Prince Friso was buried under an avalanche in LechAustria, while skiing off piste. He was taken to a hospital in Innsbruck where he was in a critical but stable condition.[1] According to his doctor, Wolfgang Koller, even though he was trapped for a relatively short time and hopes had originally been higher, subsequent neurological tests showed that after fifty minutes of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in moderate hypothermia he suffered massive brain damage due to oxygen shortage. His initial coma later progressed to a minimally conscious state and it was unclear whether he would ever regain full consciousness.[2][3][4] On 12 August 2013, one and a half years after the accident, Prince Friso died of complications." Since August 2013, he has been declared dead, Friso is A.K.A. James Comey,  Comey was named FBI Director in September of 2013, in an excerpt from Wikipedia claims his appointment and his involvement in the estopping the Clinton bid for the presidency, "It declares, In September 2013, Comey was appointed Director of the FBI by President Barack Obama.[3] In that capacity, he was responsible for overseeing the FBI's investigation of the Hillary Clinton email controversy. His role in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, particularly with regard to his public communications, was highly controversial."  


The institute knows why, Comey A.K.A. Prince Friso of the Netherlands reopened the Clinton

E-mail investigation, however, the institute feels strongly that the famous FBI should be able to piece together the motive of WHY, after a legal cleansing of the provocateurs committing sedition against United States Citizens, while globally manufacturing terrorism, at home since the Obama Administration took office and abroad since 2015 and currently these provocateurs along with the former Department of Homeland Security (DHS), under Jeh Johnson A.K.A. Robert P. Koch A.K.A. unregistered foreign national, Erik Heliquest of Sweden are responsible for every false flag in mass shootings and terrorism HOAXES committed by and under the usurpation of Barack OBAMA A.K.A. George Prescott Garnica Bush.

























Below is Director James Comey, Asst. Director Andrew McCabe and these unnamed POI are under investigation by our institute as provocateurs that plagues the FBI as an infamous gangster ran investigation organization in which has transformed to a secret spy society that has wrecked havoc for eight years against our Republic in over 400 manufactured domestic terrorism and fake mass shooting HOAXES, including the Sandy Hook Massacre Hoax, while in collusion with governors and local state law enforcement, including various sheriffs across our nation, unaccountable to no one, as if the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has taken over the bureau without oversight by the Attorney General, the President or Congress.



























































































































































































































Those FBI agents that have lost their lives defending and investigating corruption are rolling in their graves, wondering why the FBI motto "Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity" is defamed by the likes of Director Comey and Assistant Director Andrew McCabe runs the bureau as if it is a mafia ran syndicate.




















































Briefly Comey will be shown to you as a foreign national of the Netherlands, bearing in mind that this POI is a deceased individual that has resurrected in the United States claiming a career in the United States in the field of law and judiciary appointment with the same family including his two girls. See Wikipedia























The Citizen Intelligence Agency (CIA) ran a preliminary identification from our data file library, cross referencing through various facial recognition software. We got a hit, Chief Justice Roberts and General David Patreaus. Once that took place then they too became POI'S, the institute is notified of the findings, then the CIA go into a visual forensic investigation, visually looking at ear biometrics, palm print, anomalies identifiable as one of a kind, anthropological identification as male or female, husbandry of ancestors as wives, husbands, children similarities in the target POI'S and our internal visual forensic identification tells know only to the fellows of the institute as the icing on the cake as a positive match.


We The People are going to restore law and order to our Republic. The institute has for over 4 years draining the swamp of corruption in our state and federal governments in data that is offshore for protection and integrity of over 200, 000 data files, in which are secure in another country as insurance that they will not be compromised in order to prove our allegations of individuals that have committed high crimes and misdemeanors.

Teeth Match

Director James Comey

Prince Johan Friso Of

Nassau, Netherlands

Left Ear Match

Director James Comey

Comey Wife, Patrice Failor A.K.A. Princess Mabel of Orange

Wife Match


Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe AKA

Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan

Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe And Wife Jill McCabe

Border Patrol

Chief Mark Morgan

Border Patrol

Deputy Chief

Carla Provost




Gonzalo P. Curiel

Presided Over TRUMP


Border Patrol

Chief Mark Morgan

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