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"Help Intelligence Groups Make Our Country Great Again"

By Helping Us Drain The Swamp Of Corruption

Enemies Within Our Borders

Inspector Anonymous Film

"Grand Jury Coming"

Intelligence Groups consist of independent organizations, consisting of the forensic investigative journalism organization, Citizen Intelligence Agency, an agency within its name that describes a secret and discreet organization exposing corrupt politicians and suggesting to the TRUMP administration that maybe this politician is not who he or she claims to be in the Congress, Senate or Judiciary, whether federal or state venues including the state governors and their subordinates. 


Pro Se Justice Center, an organization that deals with independent PRO SE intervention into HOAX law suits that involve government contrived trials in which are stacked with judges, juries, defense lawyers and prosecutors conducting moot trials that cost taxpayers money for these legal actors to portray fake hypocrisy inside a judicial system that is critically arrived dead in the face of judicial fairness, where these moot trials don't have real defendants, but Department of Homeland Security paid actors as independent contractors in terrorism, mass shootings or international terrorist created by the Obama Bush Administration. 


If they are convicted, but usually they are released or trial delayed as if a psudeo nollo prosequi is enacted secretly for these defendants. After conviction the now pseudo convict law breakers are escorted to Bush Illumi Corp owned and controlled prisons where they are escorted inside, never processed as an inmate, excepting for the paperwork claiming the convict is incarcerated, but is actually back in society to go through the process again in the DHS pool of actors as another lawbreaker, mass killer, terrorist and white color criminal that is an actor for the DHS. The out going 44th president, if he goes or does he take off the black makeup and become the Mexican Dutch Barack Husein Obama claimed alt-media Anti-Christ , Obama is a type of Anti-Christ at best, now retired with fat spiffs at the expense of taxpayers expensive diggs and presidential library, he is a Fraud and must be brought to justice A.K.A. George Prescott Garnica Bush to not live his political life free without being arrested and tried as a retired illigitimate black 44th president and not living the life as another Bush criminal, liking to his UNCLE , 43 rd President, George W. Bush a 9/11 sell-out to illumi Corp in pulling off the biggest GOLD heist in the 21st Century, Obama A.K.A. Bush, the 2014 elected Texas Land Commissioner as he continues mentality usurping his bandit- 

authority claiming legitimacy through lie upon lie.

Nations Watchman is an organizational watchdog entity that vets forensically judicial and government nominees, along with pseudo named elected politicians in the Senate, Congress, and Judiciary elections, whether federal or state venues including state governors and their subordinates, we provide and educates the public on who is who in the government and their public policy as a politician in government. Anton Scalia is not DEAD, he is abdicated King Albert II of Belgium, which has lost 50% of his mobility, walking with a cane. His son is Obama's Supreme Court Nominee Merrick Garland A.K.A. King Phillipe of Belgium and multiple politicians and judges used in these fake trials. PROOF POSITIVE is why he became a person of interest, because of Scalia's suspicious death. He was turned over to the Citizen Intelligence Agency for further forensical and facial recognition along with bio-metric and palm print identification. Since the discovery of the true identity of Merrick Garland and his connection to Anton Scalia, the Pro Se Justice Center is preparing to expose Merrick Garland Legally as an unregistered foreign national claiming American citizenship with credentials from an Illumi Corp School, Harvard and the Wiki Bio is a contrived Scandinavian encyclopedia that gives cover for these espionage foreign royal agents that have invaded our government to destroy our constitution to legislate from the bench globalism. The following is the process that Nations Watchman uses the internet to recognize by forensic visualization in pictures found on media sites, then the pics are ran through facial recognition software. Once we get a hit, then it is turned over to the Citizen Intelligence Agency for further investigation:
































































































The Intelligence Groups have combined their resources and talent to develope a more cohesive investigative cartel of professionalism in law, forensics, profiling, investigations and surveillance in gathering intelligence of corrupted politicians that work for a globalist cartel called Illumi Corp. This past presidency has taught the American citizens a tough, but timely lesson. 

Bill & Hillary Clinton

aka King Phillipe &

Queen Mathilde of Belgium

Hillary Clinton Right Ear


Queen Mathilde of Belgium

Wife Lynn Garland Blood Vessels

On Right Hand Comp. Hillary Clinton Right Hand

Anton Scalia Is Alive aka

King Albert II of Belgium

Merrick Garland's Appeal To The Public to Force A Confirmation To

An Unregistered Foreign National That Was The 42nd Illigitimate President Of The United States

King Phillip Left Ear Comp.

Merrick Garland

Ameshl Mayor James De Rothschild aka Bill Clinton aka King Phillip of Belgium aka Merrick Garland

7 Problems On Obama Birth Certificate

Inspector Anonymous Films is an independent Documentary Producer, contracted with 21st Century Pictures to produce journalistic news scoop pieces for distribution. However, due to the critical nature of these pieces in production, a price cannot be put on freedom, when our country is a precipice in time that could be no return, if we don't expose the foreign nationals and their plots to over through our country.


Therefore, we have come up with an alternative to assist in gathering critical information besides our 100+ paid investigators by the Australian Billionaire, which they are doing a jam up job, but it doesn’t cover Confidential Informant cost (CI).


We have also launched a new Investigative agency as an alternative to intelligence gathering through MOB rule (Democracy Process), in order to take "Operation Phoenix Rising" to the next level in intelligence gathering as a sentry in vetting politicians and government officials. We have launched four (6) websites,


that extends to multiple websites as part of our alt media websites to assist in getting the word out quickly and efficiently, along with the investigative conclusion for our film production, private screenings and the Moments of TRUTH Film Series, produced monthly on subscription annually $49.95 or $5.00 per month reoccurring expense.


The GO FUND ME page is above where our goal is $100,000 in which the accounting of the money spent will be available as public scrutiny to anyone that donates to our cause and willing to assit in our efforts to take our country back through donations or joining our Citizen Intelligence Agency. Please watch this 2 hour 55-minute video, which is solely made from We the People and YouTube Patriots. Our Next Film is scheduled for a December 2016 launch on the discovery that all 2016 Presidential candidates are foreign nationals and are loyal to the current government or the bankers, which are the foreign nationals running plus European royalty and relatives of the current administration. The Other Film in production is the simulated Grand Jury indictment of Obama and George W. Bush Administration that pulled of the Sandy Hook HOAX, where no one was killed and those shot were law enforcement in which were surprised by local cops that shot state police dressed in camo welding training rifles that were not able to fire.

If You Are Still No Convince That WE Need Your Help Then Go To This Site: FUNDING APPEAL

We Are Serious In This Endeavour To Drain Our Nations Swamp Of Political Corruption and Keep Our New 45th President's Administration Accountable To The People That Elected President Donald J. TRUMP and Vice President Michael PENCE to Make Our Country Great Again. Go To This Site To See How We Propose To Do This By MAKING OUR COUNTRY A FREE NATION


Apocalypse Now Obama : Presidency Hijacked Volume One

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