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Daniel 12:4 KJV

Intell TV     "Key To Unlocking The Truth"


  Established: February 13, 2017                                       Program Director: Inspector Anonymous        

Institute of Intelligence Groups Exclusive

WELCOME to Intell TV, it is an alternative internet media broadcasting site in videos that are news worthy of rebroadcast in good faith on the INTELLIGENCE GROUPS multiple social sites, where sites liking to GOOGLE and other social sites suppresses the originator of the NEWS story, by suppressing their  first amendment right to broadcast TRUTH, however, the new blame game, FAKE NEWS suppresses the inalienable right for all AMERICANS  to broadcast News worthy stories without retaliation of this familiar and more frequent response to your  work product in your inalienable right to the freedom of the press and speech:

The Institute of Intelligence Groups and International Politics and Inspector Anonymous Film and New World Order Productions, Intell TV project has partnered with 21st Century Pictures in distribution and to have unlimited storage, with the uninterrupted

ability to broadcast TRUTH through storage servers, in which are paid by 21st Century Pictures for distribution rights to our new brocasting media, Intell TV in giving the institute an ability to store controversial data and rebroadcasting Alternative media TRUTH, without the fear of being removed and loss of data for unsubstantiated claimed violations of community standards that changes with the wind of public opinion by the media masses liking to Google and Facebook. These mainstream owned social sites that are solely controlled by the Illuminati's ILLUMI CORP.


They have tendencies to fit the atmosphere of the social sites agenda in SHILL and CO-INTELL PRO broadcasting and reporting liking to Alex Jones, Info Wars inorder to suppress the TRUTH of the MATTER, through, FEAR MONGERING or claiming the TRUTH as a conspiracy theory story in gleaned content for suppressing the TRUTH, but missed the mark on TRUTH in substance that makes the story fake news and takes away the alternative media ability to expose mainstream media and Illumi Corp's design in their FAKE NEWS AGENDA by obstructing the true story behind the news. It is liking to a puzzle where pieces are missing that constructs a picture and a premise of TRUTH in facts.


The institute takes the developed video broadcast by various alternative media journalist and infuses it into an in depth study in exposing politicians, judiciary using chicanery  in fake justice and fair play and  those famous people with infamous hidden agendas to push for NEW WORLD ORDER through CHAOS in mass shootings, Domestic Manufactured Terrorism and claimed news that is FAKE in content and by those claimed involve in the FAKE NEWS stories push Illumi Corp's agenda.


These bad guys against our Republic and our President play both sides in the middle to bring Choas in results of New World Order, no matter what their social, political, judicial, law enforcement and /or government status, they are are enemies of "We The People," no matter their social, political, judicial, law enforcement and /or government status, they are enemies of our republic as unregistered foreign agents, politicians collecting multiple paychecks by legally hiding their true identity as they disrupt our way of TRUTH in politics, judicial decisions and laws that reshape our society of being a GOD Fearing people that are not homosexual agenda oriented, we believe that marriage is strictly between a man and a woman, freedom is a right of passage, life, liberty,  and ownership of private property, and a abortion in its state of ABORTING a fetus is not written in stone and not considered black and white and in this controversial issue there are always shades of grey.


The institute scans social media sites and News Outlets in mainstream media for video cuts that are clearly sending a cryptic message of intentional miss leading the real story of interest that the Institute can or is investigating and gives a "FAIR and BALANCED STUDY, UNAFRAID TO BROADCAST THE TRUTH by not falling into GOOGLE and other social media sites with prejudice intentions to quell the TRUTH by claiming FAKE NEWS, Copyright violations, conspiracy theoretical story content, the institute takes these stories at face value to develop and investigate the news content for TRUTH of the matter, then our institute fellows takes the slanted story or maybe the banned story and adds the News Behind The News then by streaming, broadcasting original material subscribed MOMENTS of TRUTH NEWS REEL, rebroadcast TRUTH from Alternative media sites and other audio visual means to reveal the TRUTH behind the news along with internal visual forensic investigations of Persons of Interest to the Institute in exposing government corruption (DRAINING the SWAMP in DC and the State Government)



Inspector Anonymous

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