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Daniel 12:4 KJV

Alternative Media

Fellowship & Certification


  Founded: April 13, 2013                 Fellowship & Certification                   Director: J.R. Oglesby        

Yesterdays Headline And Today's News











The Institute of Intelligence Groups and International Politics conducts investigations, research, training, convenes fellows with like mind thought in the fields of investigating government corruption, whether state or federal venues and creates tools to help chart a path ahead for investigative Alternative media journalism in the 21st century.


The Institute of Intelligence Groups and International Politics is an educational organization for profit affiliated with Inspector Anonymous Film and the Intelligence Groups. It aims to help the Alternative News Media, especially, internet based publishers and internet newspapers and magazines, video and print Alternative media, advance in the digital age of social media communications as an Alternative to Main Stream Media, Print Newspapers and Magazines.




Founded in 2016 by Inspector Anonymous, Our mission is to help the Alternative News industry fulfill the purpose of the First Amendment – to sustain a free press in the public interest, but overcoming the stigma created by the mainstream media that internet based Alternative Media News is unreliable and explosive, through, creating stereotypical name calling the Alternative Media TRUTHERS, BIRTHERS, CONSPIRACY THEORIST and many more names, in which discredits their viability as realist investigative journalist.




























It is our mission to fight for Alternative Media by exposing the culprits behind the HOAX. That mission continues in today's modernization era of welcoming a new politician outsider president, but he too has a hidden agenda to usher in the NWO, through, H.W. Bush's vision of a New World Order through the 1000 Points Of Light, a Lucerferian Concept of a new era in an age of Socialism and new age antiquarian doctrine, however, after our nation hosted the worse illegitimate president in the history of our country, as the claimed First Black President in the history of our nation. Moreover, our institute discovered eight years later discovers that our republic and constitution has made a 260 degree turn to  becoming a socialist lucerferian state. Herbert Walkers Bush's vision through his grandson, Barack Hussein Obama's hidden illegitimacy as a 32 year old Mexican Dutch national named George Prescott Garnica Bush, he truly was too young for the presidency and not a naturalized citizen, hosting the first drag queen as the first lady, Michelle Obama AKA Craig Robinson and his claimed children are loans from a son of a cabinet member in the TRUMP/PENCE Administration.























It is a breath of fresh air of having our 45th President Donald J. Trump to appear as an outsider as new improved leader ready to make our country great again.


We at the institute through the intelligence groups have known that the elections were rigged to put in power the person that serves the corporate interest of Illumi Corp's capstone of an invisible dictatorial control of banking, education, government, military, media and religion. This is a fact before the elections and afterwards, however, when a puzzle about the Bushs maintaining control of the white house, since our 41st president Bill Clinton was in office is a eye opener. The Intelligence Groups Realist Investigative Media Journalist have uncovered some disturbing evidence against main stream media and our new presidents cabinet picks.














Left To Right : Left Ear With Anomaly Of Senator Bernie Sanders AKA John Bolton AKA Evelyn Robert De Rothschild, Forensics Don't Lie in Investigations By Realist Alternative Media Journalist, Former Forensics Experts Turned As Alternative media journalist.





An example of these cabinet choices and nominees, after vetting our new presidents cabinet picks, in which has created an urgency for the institute to vet, protect and expose Alternative Media Sources as Main Stream Media SHILLS and COINTELL- PROS that furthers the agenda of Illumi Corp in creating news by CIA, DHS and FBI sourced Manufactured Domestic Terrorism, along with international FAKE NEWS sources.


The institute discovered that Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is a foreign national portraying a former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton, soon to become Deputy Secretary of the State Department under the new administration.


He was chosen for the top position as Secretary of State, however, our institute and the Pro Se Justice Center through Twitter warned our 45th President and nixed that move by an unsuspecting president or duplicitous in the nature of the hidden agenda. The institute through confidential sources obtained

information that John Bolton is also a major stockholder of the Federal Reserve, as Khazarian Mafioso, Evelyn Robert De Rothschild and multiple other characters in which he plays, it too are featured in one of our Alternative Media Investigating sites.


This investigation discovery from one of our over 200 fellows and growing helped our institute to uncover another earth shattering Breaking News story that Evelyn De Rothschild AKA Vice President Dick Chaney is also Bill Clinton.


Go to The Intelligence Groups Website and learn more about our institute's discovery about the new administration coming into play as the 45th President makes our country great again, as we the Institute of Intelligence Groups and International politics become one of the most sought after fellowships that know the TRUTH about the looming corruption that truly is our nations root of failure in politics, as they are blackmailed in pedophilia, hebephilia and allegiance to install the New World Order.



























                            Our fellows and our institute are in daily communication with our 45th president by Twitter.

                            We stopped Bolton as a nominee for Secretary of State.

























                            When it looked likely that John Bolton was going to become the pick for Secretary of State, 

                            the institute pushed harder, after we snafu Rudy Gueliano's shoe in for the Secretary of

                            State position. We are here to protect and serve our nation and the Constitution of the

                            United States.
























Since the debacle, a handful of elites in the Illumi Corp's Capstone, called the Council of 13, Committee of 300, Shills and Cointell-Pro's are & have baited an unsuspecting Alternative Media Network by accepting unverified e-mails and taking the beyond reproach attitude that Julian Assange can do no wrong. Wiki Leaks credibility relied upon by claimed e-mails intercepted by hacking e-mails from Hillary Clinton's Campaign Manager and Counsel, John Podesta. 

The DNC hacked and an alleged unverified murder of Wiki Leaks employee working for the DNC; could this too be a HOAX. The DNC hacked by the Russians, it too would be fake news as well, see D.C. Pizza Gate Scandal.


The e-mails allegedly linked Podesta and his brother and others to a satanic child sexual sacrifice trafficking ring.


However, the elections and the Wiki Leaks e-mails are suspect to the institute as contrived events to bring about Order through eight years of Chaos. The Podesta e-mails are forgeries by Wiki Leaks, Julian Assange.


This is based upon the following evidence discovered by the citizens intelligence agency, a fellowship member that focused on the originator of the  Podesta E-mails and its unverifiable origination. This has taken a twist of events, in which the institute concludes beyond a reasonable doubt that the  D.C.PIZZAGATE SCANDAL is a HOAX , however, the validity of the charges of Child Trafficking, Sacrificing and Sexing Children are creditable news, but all Podesta e-mails are bogus.



















               Left To Right : Left Ear of the following: Obama Press Secretary Josh Earnst AKA David Brock AKA DOJ and

               Obama's Chief Counsel Andrew Kline AKA NSA Edward Snowden.


















               FOX Tucker Carlson AKA FOX Producer David Rhodes AKA Julian Assange AKA Hillary Clinton's Computer

               Installer, Brian Pagliano.


The Khazarian Mafia has created a Red Herring that Alternative Media swallowed it hook line and sinker as creditable news baiting these Alternative journalist a Red Herring to the real story that another nail in the coffin for gun control and taking others off the mark of a silent coup by the DNC, Obama and Hillary Clinton to rig and steal the election.

The Red Herring was the Fake Shooter with an Assault Rifle that went into Ping Pong Pizza to save the children from the pedophile satanic child sex trafficking ring inside Ping Pong Pizza with no basement.

The same perpetrators of this HOAX, pulled off a similar Red Herring at the 9/11 attack, when a so called photographer took pictures of evidence that could have sent the president to prison, however, mysteriously he was accused of killing his wife and he fled to Mexico, I believe you get the picture, if not maybe this will convince you that the same perpetrators involved did the same stereotype Red Herring Story at 9/11.






Wait a minute, I know you are thinking about where Snowden fits in Pizza Gate, but how does the NSA Spying play into the Satanic, Sexing Children While Sacrificing to Moloch By Eating Their Flesh? When you read the D.C. Pizza Gate Scandal, it will go in detail how and why Edward Snowden involves these events and others through out eight years.






















                  Left To Right : Evelyn Robert De Rothschild Jake Stein, Lynn Forester Stein De Rothschild and

                  Benjamin Stein.


Let us do a recap of Pizza Gate events, David Brock A.K.A. Benjamin Stein AKA DOJ Andrew Kline the allege lover of Ping Pong Pizza's James Alefantis AKA Anthony Weiner. Brock and Alefantis are claimed D.C. high rollers, along with D.O.J. Attorney Kline, the allege pizza shop owner of Bestes Pizza. Matt Carr AKA Benjamin Stein, Owner of Red Fox Cafe in D.C.'s Pizza gate has a basement and his daughter is the child featured in all the social media clips, his son is playing Ping Pong With Obama. 


In reality Benjamin Stein is the son Lynn Forester Stein De Rothschild AKA 2016 Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton. Benjamin Stein AKA Hillary Clinton's Communications Manager AKA Brian Pagliano Hillary Clinton's Computer E-mail Software Server Installer and Jake Stein AKA LGBT Robbie Mook, Hillary Clinton's Campaign Manager, also both are the stepsons of Evelyn Robert De Rothschild AKA Presidential Nominee Senator Bernie Sanders AKA Bill Clinton, Husband of Hillary Clinton and Lynn Forester Stein De Rothschild.










                      Left To Right : Hillary Rodam Clinton, Lynn Forester Stein De Rothschild


If  Hillary Clinton ran against Senator Bernie Sanders AKA Evelyn Robert De Rothschild then the primary election was rigged in the favor of the Khazarian mafia and illumi Corp therefore we have no choice. Could the General Election have been rigged by Illumi Corp. See Illumi Corp's Training Video






























The institute with assistance of our intelligence fellows we have exposed NSA Whistle Blower, Edward Snowden, Wiki Leaks Julian Assange, 2016 Presidential Nominees Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, Bill and Hillary Clinton and many more in the institutes complete Expose' found on the Intelligence Groups website titled: D.C. Pizza Gate Scandal.


The institute is offering Alternative Media fellowships for

$99.95 Initial Annual Subscription, and a $49.95 Annual Re-certification in which the Alternative Media Fellowship consist of the following:


  • Blanket Defense coverage for our Alternative Media Fellows by the Institute on any story, video, or interview attacked by mainstream media, government, and celebrities and persons claimed Injury in the content produced by the fellow Alternative Media Journalist, commentator or pundit.


  • The institute will defend any civil action, through, the Pro' Se Justice Center in any published printed article or released video documentary. The institute personally, legally and monetarily will defend any civil legal aggression against our fellowship members in their published articles or videos certified by the institute before it is published or released to the public.


  • Condition of the guarantee is the fellow must be in good standing with the institute of Intelligence Groups and International Politics and submit the print or internet story to institute for proof-reading and certification of the content as an institute forwarded and/or endorsed story, the institute will defend as agreed upon as an Alternative Media fellow of the institute.

  • This is the sample of the Underwriter Seal Of Institute Protection Against Fake News On Articles And Documentaries.











  • Documentaries can also receive certification by the institute after a private screening of the production before release date and publishing. Doc File With Certification Will Be Endorsed And Underwritten That "No Fake News Here."






      Installed Example:









     Moment of TRUTH News Reel Preview:




















  • ​​Issue Website Numbered Endorsement Seal:























  • A Monthly Moment Of TRUTH News Reel will be offered 30 days to the Alternative fellowship member before it is seen by the Associate Fellow & public subscriber. This material will be fresh investigations and generated government corruption stories that never have been published, this will give the Alternative Fellowship Member 30 days to develop further stories and investigations before seen or known by the Associate Fellow or the public.

  • Up to 6 Press Credentials 3" X 5" One With lanyard and 4 without lanyards (Lanyards are extra charge).


  • Up to 6 Wallet Size Press Identification 2" X 3" 


  • Press Bumper Sticker​​

  • Larger Corporate Packages Are Available Upon Request.

Black Lives Don't Matter To The Bush Family

Moment of TRUTH: DEMO.

Moment of TRUTH News Reel: Preview

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